Benefits of fasting and fm detoxes

why you should be detoxing

Detoxing has become an increasingly popular topic in the wellness community, and for good reason. Our bodies are exposed to a variety of toxins on a daily basis. Detoxing is a way to help our bodies rid themselves of these toxins, so we can feel our best, live our healthiest lives and help our body heal.

Toxins come from a variety of sources, including pesticides, preservatives, pollution, and home products. In fact, the average woman is exposed to over 135 chemicals from her morning routine care products before she even leaves the house each morning? Even more alarming than that is the amount of toxic chemicals in the food we eat. In America they allow over 80,000 chemicals in our food, many of which do not have to be disclosed. (This more than 10 times the amount of toxins allowed in any other country.) While the body has a natural ability to filter a small amount of toxins, it’s no match for this level of chronic over exposure. Over time these toxins build up in our bodies, leading to a variety of health problems, including fatigue, hormone imbalances, digestive issues, food intolerances, auto-immune issues and even cancer. The good news is that by performing a functional medicine detox, we can help our bodies eliminate these toxins and reduce our risk of illness and disease.

A functional medicine detox is holistic approach that aims to support the body’s natural ability to eliminate toxins. Here are some the key components of an effective detox.

1)    Fasting: Allowing the digestive system time to rest and heal by refraining from eating solid foods for an appropriate period of time. This allows the digestive system to produce macrophage cells, the cells responsible for removing dead cells and stimulating the action of other immune cells. It is important to note that fasting is beneficial but needs to be tailored to each individual as complete fasting is not appropriate for everyone.

 2)    Nutrient-dense diet: A diet rich in berries, non-starch vegetables, healthy fats and lean protein. These food provide the body the essential nutrients that support detoxification and overall health.

3)    Elimination of inflammatory foods: Eliminating foods that contribute to toxicity such as alcohol, sugar, processed foods and caffeine. These foods cause inflammation and compromise the body’s ability to detoxify.

4)    Supplementation: Herbal supplements and multi vitamins that support the body’s detoxification process and address and nutrition deficiencies.

5)    Lifestyle modifications: Reducing stress, regular exercise and adequate sleep are crucial to the body’s healing process.

There are also a variety of other ways to support your body's natural detoxification processes. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, exercise regularly, and trade your household and beauty products in for cleaner ones. Managing stress through practices like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing can also help to reduce inflammation and support overall wellness.

Eating a healthy, whole-foods-based diet is another important way to support your body's natural detoxification processes. Focus on consuming plenty of fruits and vegetables, as well as high-quality sources of protein and healthy fats. Avoid processed foods, sugar, and alcohol, as these can contribute to inflammation and make it harder for your body to detox.

Finally, getting regular exercise and managing stress are also important components of a healthy detox routine. Exercise helps to improve circulation and supports your body's natural elimination processes.

In conclusion, detoxing is an important component of a healthy lifestyle. By supporting your body's natural detoxification processes through periodic detoxing you can reduce your risk of illness and feel your best every day. For more information about starting a functional medicine detox under the guidance of a Certified Integrative Health Practitioner click here.


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